Testing Monty 1.0.0 (MCTS)
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Testing Monty 1.0.0 (MCTS)
Monty 1.0.0 x64 (MCTS) Test terminated due to known scaling issue.
expected rating: 2940 - 2970
expected rating: 2940 - 2970
Leorik 3.0NN x64 1CPU 3128 18,5 2870
Protector 1.9.0 x64 1CPU 2960 35,5 2856
Senpai 2.0 x64 1CPU 2952 42,5 2898
Naum 4.6 x64 1CPU 2895 52,5 2912
ice4 v4.0 x64 1CPU 2795 55,0 2830
Nalwald 18 x64 1CPU 3159 13,0 2829
Molybdenum 3.0NN x64 3133 22,5 2918
ChessBrainVB 4.01 1CPU 3017 30,0 2870
Invictus r382 x64 1CPU 2975 34,5 2863
Mida 2.2NN x64 2951 44,5 2913
GOOB 1.8.9 x64 2912 47,5 2895
4ku 4.0 x64 1CPU 2887 48,0 2873
Topple 0.8.0 x64 1CPU 2866 50,5 2869
PeSTO 2.210 x64 1CPU 2826 63,0 2919
Vengeance 3.0.0NN x64 1CPU 2805 56,0 2847
Spark 1.0 x64 1CPU 2778 58,0 2834
Fruit reloaded 2.1 2676 71,5 2836
Performance = ca. ELO 2872 / 1700 games (NEW)
Jörg Burwitz- Anzahl der Beiträge : 165
Anmeldedatum : 16.07.20
Re: Testing Monty 1.0.0 (MCTS)
Additional matches:
bitbit 1.2NN x64 2956 41,5 2896
Wahoo 4.0.0NN x64 1CPU 2921 40,0 2851
Deuterium v2019.2.37.73 x64 2889 48,0 2875
Monolith 2.01 x64 1CPU 2886 47,0 2865
Godel 7.0 x64 1CPU 2852 50,0 2852
Ceibo 1.0 x64 1CPU 2828 55,5 2867
Gogobello 2.2 x64 1CPU 2823 55,5 2862
Asymptote 0.8 x64 1CPU 2788 56,5 2833
Cheese 3.1.1 x64 1CPU 2772 58,0 2828
The Baron 3.45 x64 1CPU 2754 64,5 2858
Wolfgang- Admin
- Anzahl der Beiträge : 1670
Anmeldedatum : 23.10.13
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