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Coordination Wasp 3.00/3.50/4.50/5.00NN/5.50NN/6.50/7.00

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Coordination Wasp 3.00/3.50/4.50/5.00NN/5.50NN/6.50/7.00 Empty Coordination Wasp 3.00/3.50/4.50/5.00NN/5.50NN/6.50/7.00

Beitrag von Werner So Mai 13, 2018 10:42 am

Wasp I56600K  2018

Wasp 3.0 x64 1CPU    2200 - Chess22k 1.9 x64          2200   54.0 - 46.0    +30/=48/-22    54.00%
Wasp 3.0 x64 1CPU    2200 - Xiphos 0.2.2 x64 1CPU     xxxx   44.0 - 56.0    +16/=56/-28    44.00%
Wasp 3.0 x64 1CPU    2200 - ChessBrainVB 3.66 1CPU    xxxx   44.5 - 55.5    +14/=61/-25    44.50%
Wasp 3.0 x64 1CPU    2200 - Naum 4.1 x64 1CPU         xxxx   51.0 - 49.0    +27/=48/-25    51.00%
Wasp 3.0 x64 1CPU    2200 - Ethereal 9.65 x64 1CPU    xxxx   41.0 - 59.0    +13/=56/-31    41.00%

Zuletzt von Werner am Mo Jun 10, 2024 12:22 pm bearbeitet; insgesamt 5-mal bearbeitet


Anzahl der Beiträge : 1201
Anmeldedatum : 22.10.13


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Coordination Wasp 3.00/3.50/4.50/5.00NN/5.50NN/6.50/7.00 Empty Re: Coordination Wasp 3.00/3.50/4.50/5.00NN/5.50NN/6.50/7.00

Beitrag von Werner Sa Dez 15, 2018 11:11 am

Starting now with Wasp 3.50 x64 1CPU against
Chess22K x64, Defenschess 1.1 x64, Pedone 1.8 x64 and Senpai 2.0 x64 1CPU

Wasp1 AGANDO_HP_PC 2018

Wasp 3.50 x64 1CPU 2200 - Chess22k 1.12 2200 47.5 - 52.5 +21/=53/-26 47.50%
Wasp 3.50 x64 1CPU 2200 - Defenchess 1.1 x64 2200 52.0 - 48.0 +28/=48/-24 52.00%
Wasp 3.50 x64 1CPU 2200 - Pedone 1.8 x64 1CPU 2200 44.0 - 56.0 +17/=54/-29 44.00%
Wasp 3.50 x64 1CPU 2200 - Senpai 2.0 x64 1CPU 2200 47.5 - 52.5 +19/=57/-24 47.50%
Wasp 3.50 x64 1CPU 2200 - ChessBrainVB V3.68 1CPU xxxx 56.5 - 43.5 +31/=51/-18 56.50%
Wasp 3.50 x64 1CPU 2200 - Komodo 12.3 x64 1CPU (MCTS) xxxx 14.5 - 85.5 +3/=23/-74 14.50%
Wasp 3.50 x64 1CPU 2200 - Hakkapeliitta TCEC v2 x64 2200 51.5 - 48.5 +32/=39/-29 51.50%
Wasp 3.50 x64 1CPU 2200 - Demolito 20181029 x64 1CPU 2200 60.5 - 39.5 +35/=51/-14 60.50%
Wasp 3.50 x64 1CPU 2200 - Pirarucu 2.7.4 1CPU 2200 58.5 - 41.5 +33/=51/-16 58.50%
Wasp 3.50 x64 1CPU 2200 - Rodent III 0.276 x64 1CPU 2200 55.0 - 45.0 +29/=52/-19 55.00%


Anzahl der Beiträge : 1201
Anmeldedatum : 22.10.13


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Coordination Wasp 3.00/3.50/4.50/5.00NN/5.50NN/6.50/7.00 Empty Re: Coordination Wasp 3.00/3.50/4.50/5.00NN/5.50NN/6.50/7.00

Beitrag von Werner Di Jan 05, 2021 4:16 pm

First results with Wasp 4.50: 3090

Wasp 4.50 x64 1CPU - Arasan 22.2 x64 1CPU 111.5 - 88.5 +55/=113/-32 55.75%
Wasp 4.50 x64 1CPU - Defenchess 2.3 x64 1CPU 38.0 - 62.0 +11/=54/-35 38.00%
Wasp 4.50 x64 1CPU - Winter 0.9 x64 1CPU 49.0 - 51.0 +19/=60/-21 49.00%
Wasp 4.50 x64 1CPU - Demolito 2020-10-10 x64 1CPU 59.0 - 41.0 +32/=54/-14 59.00%
Wasp 4.50 x64 1CPU - Nirvana Chess 2.5 x64 1CPU 56.5 - 43.5 +29/=55/-16 56.50%
Wasp 4.50 x64 1CPU - RubiChess 1.8 x64 1CPU 47.5 - 67.5 +15/=65/-35 41.30%
Wasp 4.50 x64 1CPU - Andscacs 0.95123 x64 1CPU 43.5 - 56.5 +18/=51/-31 43.50%
Wasp 4.50 x64 1CPU - Gull 3.0 x64 1CPU 54.0 - 46.0 +26/=56/-18 54.00%
Wasp 4.50 x64 1CPU - Schooner 2.2 x64 1CPU 43.0 - 57.0 +11/=64/-25 43.00%
Wasp 4.50 x64 1CPU - Minic 3.02NaNi x64 1CPU 9.0 - 6.0 +5/=8/-2 60.00%


Anzahl der Beiträge : 1201
Anmeldedatum : 22.10.13


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Coordination Wasp 3.00/3.50/4.50/5.00NN/5.50NN/6.50/7.00 Empty Re: Coordination Wasp 3.00/3.50/4.50/5.00NN/5.50NN/6.50/7.00

Beitrag von Werner Mi Nov 24, 2021 8:56 pm

226 Wasp 5.00NN x64 1CPU : 3173.2 3.7 546.5 1000 54.6% (+83)

Wasp 5.00NN x64 1CPU - Zahak 8.0 x64 1CPU 75.0 - 25.0 +51/=48/-1 75.00%
Wasp 5.00NN x64 1CPU - Marvin 5.2.0NN x64 1CPU 53.5 - 46.5 +20/=67/-13 53.50%
Wasp 5.00NN x64 1CPU - Fritz 18 x64 1CPU 58.0 - 42.0 +32/=52/-16 58.00%
Wasp 5.00NN x64 1CPU - Lc0 0.29RC1 onednn 753723 44.0 - 56.0 +15/=58/-27 44.00%
Wasp 5.00NN x64 1CPU - Defenchess 2.3 x64 1CPU 50.5 - 49.5 +20/=61/-19 50.50%
Wasp 5.00NN x64 1CPU - DanaSah 9.0DN2 x64 1CPU 55.0 - 45.0 +23/=64/-13 55.00%
Wasp 5.00NN x64 1CPU - Booot 6.5 x64 1CPU 39.5 - 60.5 +9/=61/-30 39.50%
Wasp 5.00NN x64 1CPU - Clover 2.4 x64 1CPU 60.5 - 39.5 +32/=57/-11 60.50%
Wasp 5.00NN x64 1CPU - Gull 3.0 x64 1CPU 64.5 - 35.5 +41/=47/-12 64.50%
Wasp 5.00NN x64 1CPU - Weiss 2.0 x64 1CPU 46.0 - 54.0 +27/=38/-35 46.00%


Anzahl der Beiträge : 1201
Anmeldedatum : 22.10.13


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Coordination Wasp 3.00/3.50/4.50/5.00NN/5.50NN/6.50/7.00 Empty Re: Coordination Wasp 3.00/3.50/4.50/5.00NN/5.50NN/6.50/7.00

Beitrag von Werner Sa Apr 23, 2022 9:56 am

193 Wasp 5.50NN x64 1CPU : 3232 16 16 1008 49.7 % 3235 51.3 %
231 Wasp 5.00NN x64 1CPU : 3193 11 11 1500 50.5 % 3190 57.1 %

Wasp 5.50NN x64 1CPU - Clover 3.1NN x64 1CPU 46.5 - 53.5 +17/=59/-24 46.50%
Wasp 5.50NN x64 1CPU - Arasan 23.3NN x64 1CPU 32.5 - 67.5 +13/=39/-48 32.50%
Wasp 5.50NN x64 1CPU - Rebel 14.2NN 57.0 - 43.0 +37/=40/-23 57.00%
Wasp 5.50NN x64 1CPU - Booot 6.5 x64 1CPU 57.5 - 42.5 +30/=55/-15 57.50%
Wasp 5.50NN x64 1CPU - Komodo 14.1 x64 1CPU 34.5 - 65.5 +5/=59/-36 34.50%
Wasp 5.50NN x64 1CPU - Hiarcs 15.0 x64 1CPU 54.0 - 46.0 +24/=60/-16 54.00%
Wasp 5.50NN x64 1CPU - Minic 3.18NN x64 1CPU 46.5 - 53.5 +22/=49/-29 46.50%
Wasp 5.50NN x64 1CPU - Weiss 2.0 x64 1CPU 58.5 - 47.5 +35/=47/-24 55.19%
Wasp 5.50NN x64 1CPU - Fritz 18NN x64 1CPU 51.0 - 51.0 +23/=56/-23 50.00%
Wasp 5.50NN x64 1CPU - Black Marlin 5.0NN x64 1CPU 62.5 - 37.5 +36/=53/-11 62.50%


Anzahl der Beiträge : 1201
Anmeldedatum : 22.10.13


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Coordination Wasp 3.00/3.50/4.50/5.00NN/5.50NN/6.50/7.00 Empty Re: Coordination Wasp 3.00/3.50/4.50/5.00NN/5.50NN/6.50/7.00

Beitrag von Werner Mo März 06, 2023 6:33 pm

results with version 6.50:

Wasp 6.50 x64 1CPU - Rebel 16.2 x64 1CPU 36.0 - 64.0 +1/=70/-29 36.00%
Wasp 6.50 x64 1CPU - BlackCore 6.0 x64 1CPU 56.0 - 44.0 +19/=74/-7 56.00%
Wasp 6.50 x64 1CPU - Caissa 1.6.3 x64 1CPU 46.0 - 54.0 +18/=56/-26 46.00%
Wasp 6.50 x64 1CPU - Ethereal 14.00 x64 1CPU 27.0 - 73.0 +0/=54/-46 27.00%
Wasp 6.50 x64 1CPU - Berserk 11.1 x64 1CPU 21.0 - 79.0 +1/=40/-59 21.00%
Wasp 6.50 x64 1CPU - Winter 2.0 x64 1CPU 73.0 - 27.0 +49/=48/-3 73.00%
Wasp 6.50 x64 1CPU - Clover 3.3.1 x64 1CPU 46.0 - 54.0 +9/=74/-17 46.00%
Wasp 6.50 x64 1CPU - Booot 7.1 x64 1CPU 55.5 - 44.5 +19/=73/-8 55.50%
Wasp 6.50 x64 1CPU - Deep Shredder 13 x64 1CPU 81.5 - 18.5 +63/=37/-0 81.50%
Wasp 6.50 x64 1CPU - Koivisto 9.0 x64 1CPU 26.0 - 74.0 +1/=50/-49 26.00%


Anzahl der Beiträge : 1201
Anmeldedatum : 22.10.13


Nach oben Nach unten

Coordination Wasp 3.00/3.50/4.50/5.00NN/5.50NN/6.50/7.00 Empty Re: Coordination Wasp 3.00/3.50/4.50/5.00NN/5.50NN/6.50/7.00

Beitrag von Werner Mo Jun 10, 2024 12:31 pm

results after 1000 games
203 Wasp 7.00 x64 1CPU : 3382.2 16.8 16.8 1000

Wasp 7.00 x64 1CPU - Alexandria 7.0 x64 1CPU 27.5 - 72.5 +0/=55/-45 27.50%
Wasp 7.00 x64 1CPU - Obsidian 12.29 x64 1CPU 21.0 - 79.0 +0/=42/-58 21.00%
Wasp 7.00 x64 1CPU - Arasan 24.2.1 x64 1CPU 38.5 - 61.5 +3/=71/-26 38.50%
Wasp 7.00 x64 1CPU - Cheng 4.48 x64 1CPU 62.0 - 38.0 +39/=46/-15 62.00%
Wasp 7.00 x64 1CPU - Velvet 7.3.0 x64 1CPU 36.0 - 64.0 +2/=68/-30 36.00%
Wasp 7.00 x64 1CPU - Molybdenum 3.1 x64 1CPU 66.0 - 34.0 +39/=54/-7 66.00%
Wasp 7.00 x64 1CPU - Marvin 6.3.0 x64 1CPU 61.5 - 38.5 +26/=71/-3 61.50%
Wasp 7.00 x64 1CPU - Reckless 0.6.0 x64 1CPU 72.5 - 27.5 +49/=47/-4 72.50%
Wasp 7.00 x64 1CPU - Lc0 0310rc2 dnnl t1d 24325000 57.0 - 43.0 +20/=74/-6 57.00%
Wasp 7.00 x64 1CPU - Komodo 14.1 x64 1CPU 58.5 - 41.5 +31/=55/-14 58.50%

Zuletzt von Werner am Di Jun 11, 2024 2:22 pm bearbeitet; insgesamt 1-mal bearbeitet


Anzahl der Beiträge : 1201
Anmeldedatum : 22.10.13


Nach oben Nach unten

Coordination Wasp 3.00/3.50/4.50/5.00NN/5.50NN/6.50/7.00 Empty Re: Coordination Wasp 3.00/3.50/4.50/5.00NN/5.50NN/6.50/7.00

Beitrag von Wolfgang Mo Jun 10, 2024 1:51 pm

Wasp 7.00 x64 1CPU @Wolfgang

Clarity 6.0.0 x64 1CPU     3393
Rebel 16.3 x64 1CPU        3476
Counter 5.5 x64 1CPU       3238
Peacekeeper 2.40 x64 1CPU  3355
Carp 3.0.1 x64 1CPU        3389


Anzahl der Beiträge : 1670
Anmeldedatum : 23.10.13

Nach oben Nach unten

Coordination Wasp 3.00/3.50/4.50/5.00NN/5.50NN/6.50/7.00 Empty Re: Coordination Wasp 3.00/3.50/4.50/5.00NN/5.50NN/6.50/7.00

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