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Coordination Dirty

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Coordination Dirty Empty Coordination Dirty

Beitrag von Werner Di Mai 02, 2017 1:06 pm

Testmatch using 5men Nalimov for Dirty:
1   Dirty Apr2017 x64 2801     +14  +28/=48/-24 52.00%   52.0/100 (about +100)
2   Rodent III x64 1CPU 2787   -14  +24/=48/-28 48.00%   48.0/100

next games against: Amoeba 2.4, Wasp 2.00 x64, Arasan 20.0 x64, Deep Shredder 12 x64 1CPU


Anzahl der Beiträge : 1201
Anmeldedatum : 22.10.13


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Coordination Dirty Empty Re: Coordination Dirty

Beitrag von Werner Sa Dez 08, 2018 11:05 am

Testresults with Dirty Cucumber x64

Dirty Cucumber x64 2200 - Pirarucu 2.7.4 1CPU 2200 48.5 - 51.5 +26/=45/-29 48.50%
Dirty Cucumber x64 2200 - Tucano 7.06 x64 1CPU 2200 56.5 - 43.5 +35/=43/-22 56.50%
Dirty Cucumber x64 2200 - Deep Shredder 12 x64 1CPU 2200 46.0 - 54.0 +26/=40/-34 46.00%
Dirty Cucumber x64 2200 - ExChess v7.97b x64 2200 48.0 - 52.0 +23/=50/-27 48.00%
Dirty Cucumber x64 2200 - Tucano 7.00 x64 1CPU xxxx 60.0 - 40.0 +45/=30/-25 60.00%
Dirty Cucumber x64 2200 - Scorpio 2.8 x64 1CPU 2200 53.0 - 47.0 +36/=34/-30 53.00%
Dirty Cucumber x64 2200 - Atlas 3.91 x64 2200 52.0 - 48.0 +34/=36/-30 52.00%
Dirty Cucumber x64 2200 - RofChade 1.0 x64 1CPU 2200 70.5 - 29.5 +53/=35/-12 70.50%
Dirty Cucumber x64 2200 - Spark 1.0 x64 1CPU 2200 54.5 - 45.5 +34/=41/-25 54.50%


Anzahl der Beiträge : 1201
Anmeldedatum : 22.10.13


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Coordination Dirty Empty Re: Coordination Dirty

Beitrag von Werner So Sep 08, 2024 2:31 pm

Dirty Duna 2024
Duna 2858,4
Cucumber 2797 (+61,4)

Dirty Duna x64 - Orion 1.0 x64 1CPU 40.5 - 59.5 +20/=41/-39 40.50%
Dirty Duna x64 - Spike 1.4 x64 1CPU 55.5 - 44.5 +42/=27/-31 55.50%
Dirty Duna x64 - Topple 0.8.1 x64 1CPU 48.5 - 51.5 +28/=41/-31 48.50%
Dirty Duna x64 - OliThink 5.9.9 x64 72.0 - 28.0 +56/=32/-12 72.00%
Dirty Duna x64 - Deep Shredder 12 x64 1CPU 55.5 - 44.5 +37/=37/-26 55.50%
Dirty Duna x64 - Cheese 3.1.0 x64 1CPU 64.0 - 36.0 +45/=38/-17 64.00%
Dirty Duna x64 - Franchesca MAD 0.31a 68.5 - 31.5 +52/=33/-15 68.50%
Dirty Duna x64 - The Baron 3.45 x64 1CPU 60.0 - 40.0 +40/=40/-20 60.00%
Dirty Duna x64 - 4ku-5.1 x64 1CPU 43.5 - 56.5 +25/=37/-38 43.50%
Dirty Duna x64 - 4ku-3.0 x64 1CPU 70.5 - 29.5 +59/=23/-18 70.50%


Anzahl der Beiträge : 1201
Anmeldedatum : 22.10.13


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Coordination Dirty Empty Re: Coordination Dirty

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