Tournament/Matches with new engines/versions
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Tournament/Matches with new engines/versions
Stockfish 12 NNUE => replaces Stockfish 11.0
Komodo Dragon 1.0 => new
Ethereal 12.75 => replaces Ethereal 12.00
Nemorino 6.00 NNUE => new
SlowChess Blitz Classic 2.4 => new
Igel 2.8.0 NNUE => new
Houdini 6.0 => Anchor engine
- 200 round robin
- 1200 games per engine
- 4200 games total
No. Engine 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Score
1 Stockfish 12.0 NNUE xxxxx 106.5 165.0 163.5 155.0 162.5 172.5 925.0
2 Komodo Dragon 1.0 x64 93.5 xxxxx 147.5 150.0 148.5 153.0 164.5 857.0
3 Houdini 6.0 35.0 52.5 xxxxx 111.0 109.0 120.0 137.0 564.5
4 Ethereal 12.75 36.5 50.0 89.0 xxxxx 102.5 107.5 128.5 514.0
5 Nemorino 6.00 NNUE 45.0 51.5 91.0 97.5 xxxxx 109.0 115.5 509.5
6 SlowChess Blitz Classic 2.4 37.5 47.0 80.0 92.5 91.0 xxxxx 124.0 472.0
7 Igel 2.8.0 NNUE 27.5 35.5 63.0 71.5 84.5 76.0 xxxxx 358.0
Komodo 14.1 x64
Komodo 14.1 x64 MCTS
Zuletzt von Wolfgang am So Nov 29, 2020 7:55 pm bearbeitet; insgesamt 2-mal bearbeitet
Wolfgang- Admin
- Anzahl der Beiträge : 1673
Anmeldedatum : 23.10.13
Re: Tournament/Matches with new engines/versions
No. Engine 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Score
1 Stockfish 12.0 x64 NNUE xxxxx 106.5 145.0 165.0 155.0 163.5 162.5 176.5 172.5 1246.5 / 1600 77.91
2 Komodo Dragon 1.0 x64 93.5 xxxxx 140.5 147.5 148.5 150.0 153.0 160.0 164.5 1157.5 / 1600 72.34%
3 Komodo 14.1 x64 55.0 59.5 xxxxx 107.5 109.5 114.5 114.0 124.0 142.0 826.0 / 1600 51.62%
4 Houdini 6.0 x64 35.0 52.5 92.5 xxxxx 109.0 111.0 120.0 122.0 137.0 779.0 / 1600 48.69%
5 Nemorino 6.00 x64 NNUE 45.0 51.5 90.5 91.0 xxxxx 97.5 109.0 108.0 115.5 708.0 / 1600 44.25%
6 Ethereal 12.75 x64 36.5 50.0 85.5 89.0 102.5 xxxxx 107.5 103.5 128.5 703.0 / 1600 43.94%
7 SlowChess Blitz Classic 2.4 37.5 47.0 86.0 80.0 91.0 92.5 xxxxx 99.0 124.0 657.0 / 1600 41.06%
8 Komodo 14.1 x64 MCTS 23.5 40.0 76.0 78.0 92.0 96.5 101.0 xxxxx 119.5 626.5 / 1600 39.16%
9 Igel 2.8.0 x64 NNUE 27.5 35.5 58.0 63.0 84.5 71.5 76.0 80.5 xxxxx 496.5 / 1600 31.03%
Another NEW engine: RubiChess 1.9.0 x64 NNUE
Zuletzt von Wolfgang am Mo Nov 30, 2020 6:34 pm bearbeitet; insgesamt 3-mal bearbeitet
Wolfgang- Admin
- Anzahl der Beiträge : 1673
Anmeldedatum : 23.10.13
Re: Tournament/Matches with new engines/versions
Remaining Matches
Stockfish 12.0 x64 NNUE
Fire 7.1 x64 3233 170.5- 29.5 perf=3537 [W.B.]
Xiphos 0.6 x64 3229 169.5- 30.5 perf=3526 [W.B.]
RofChade 2.3 x64 3202 175.5- 24.5 perf=3544 [W.B.]
Booot 6.4 x64 3182 177.5- 22.5 perf=3540 [W.B.]
Schooner 2.2 x64 3173 180.0- 20.0 perf=3555 [W.B.]
Ginkgo 2.18 x64 3151 174.5- 25.5 perf=3485 [W.B.]
Deep Shredder 13 x64 3150 174.5- 25.5 perf=3484 [W.B.]
Komodo Dragon 1.0 x64
Fire 7.1 x64 3233 169.5- 30.5 perf=3530 [W.B.]
Xiphos 0.6 x64 3229 166.0- 34.0 perf=3504 [W.B.]
RofChade 2.3 x64 3202 170.5- 29.5 perf=3506 [W.B.]
Booot 6.4 x64 3182 169.5- 30.5 perf=3479 [W.B.]
Schooner 2.2 x64 3173 171.0- 29.0 perf=3481 [W.B.]
Ginkgo 2.18 x64 3151 167.0- 33.0 perf=3432 [W.B.]
Deep Shredder 13 x64 3150 181.5- 18.5 perf=3546 [W.B.]
Komodo 14.1 x64
Fire 7.1 x64 3233 137.0- 63.0 perf=3368 [W.B.]
Xiphos 0.6 x64 3229 137.0- 63.0 perf=3364 [W.B.]
RofChade 2.3 x64 3202 140.5- 59.5 perf=3351 [W.B.]
Booot 6.4 x64 3182 142.0- 58.0 perf=3337 [W.B.]
Schooner 2.2 x64 3173 139.0- 61.0 perf=3316 [W.B.]
Ginkgo 2.18 x64 3151 162.0- 38.0 perf=3402 [W.B.]
Deep Shredder 13 x64 3150 157.0- 43.0 perf=3374 [W.B.]
Komodo 14.1 x64 MCTS
Fire 7.1 x64 3233 117.5- 82.5 perf=3294 [W.B.]
Xiphos 0.6 x64 3229 125.5- 74.5 perf=3319 [W.B.]
RofChade 2.3 x64 3202 120.5- 79.5 perf=3274 [W.B.]
Booot 6.4 x64 3182 135.0- 65.0 perf=3308 [W.B.]
Schooner 2.2 x64 3173 131.5- 68.5 perf=3286 [W.B.]
Ginkgo 2.18 x64 3151 133.5- 66.5 perf=3270 [W.B.]
Deep Shredder 13 x64 3150 141.5- 58.5 perf=3303 [W.B.]
Ethereal 12.75 x64
Fire 7.1 x64 3233 116.0- 84.0 perf=3289 [W.B.]
Xiphos 0.6 x64 3229 134.0- 66.0 perf=3352 [W.B.]
RofChade 2.3 x64 3202 140.0- 70.0 perf=3349 [W.B.]
Booot 6.4 x64 3182 123.0- 77.0 perf=3263 [W.B.]
Schooner 2.2 x64 3173 138.0- 62.0 perf=3311 [W.B.]
Ginkgo 2.18 x64 3151 137.0- 63.0 perf=3285 [W.B.]
Deep Shredder 13 x64 3150 152.5- 47.5 perf=3352 [W.B.]
Nemorino 6.00 x64 NNUE
Fire 7.1 x64 3233 125.0- 75.0 perf=3321 [W.B.]
Xiphos 0.6 x64 3229 121.5- 78.5 perf=3304 [W.B.]
RofChade 2.3 x64 3202 116.5- 83.5 perf=3260 [W.B.]
Booot 6.4 x64 3182 125.5- 74.5 perf=3272 [W.B.]
Schooner 2.2 x64 3173 144.0- 56.0 perf=3337 [W.B.]
Ginkgo 2.18 x64 3151 128.0- 72.0 perf=3251 [W.B.]
Deep Shredder 13 x64 3150 132.0- 68.0 perf=3265 [W.B.]
Igel 2.8.0 x64 NNUE
Fire 7.1 x64 3233 83.5-116.5 perf=3175 [W.B.]
Xiphos 0.6 x64 3229 89.0-111.0 perf=3191 [W.B.]
RofChade 2.3 x64 3202 90.0-110.0 perf=3168 [W.B.]
Booot 6.4 x64 3182 111.5- 88.5 perf=3222 [W.B.]
Schooner 2.2 x64 3173 119.0- 81.0 perf=3239 [W.B.]
Ginkgo 2.18 x64 3151 107.0- 93.0 perf=3176 [W.B.]
Deep Shredder 13 x64 3150 117.5- 82.5 perf=3211 [W.B.]
SlowChess Blitz Classic 2.4
Fire 7.1 x64 3233 111.0- 89.0 perf=3271 [W.B.]
Xiphos 0.6 x64 3229 112.5- 87.5 perf=3273 [W.B.]
RofChade 2.3 x64 3202 131.5- 68.5 perf=3323 [W.B.]
Booot 6.4 x64 3182 124.0- 76.0 perf=3267 [W.B.]
Schooner 2.2 x64 3173 127.5- 72.5 perf=3271 [W.B.]
Ginkgo 2.18 x64 3151 134.5- 65.5 perf=3275 [W.B.]
Deep Shredder 13 x64 3150 135.5- 64.5 perf=3278 [W.B.]
RubiChess 1.9.0 x64 NNUE
Fire 7.1 x64 3233 102.5- 97.5 perf=3242 [W.B.]
Xiphos 0.6 x64 3229 102.0- 98.0 perf=3236 [W.B.]
RofChade 2.3 x64 3202 104.5- 95.5 perf=3217 [W.B.]
Booot 6.4 x64 3182 107.0- 93.0 perf=3207 [W.B.]
Schooner 2.2 x64 3173 111.5- 88.5 perf=3213 [W.B.]
Ginkgo 2.18 x64 3151 119.5- 80.5 perf=3219 [W.B.]
Deep Shredder 13 x64 3150 109.0- 91.0 perf=3181 [W.B.]
Zuletzt von Wolfgang am Fr Dez 25, 2020 8:38 pm bearbeitet; insgesamt 8-mal bearbeitet
Wolfgang- Admin
- Anzahl der Beiträge : 1673
Anmeldedatum : 23.10.13
Re: Tournament/Matches with new engines/versions
No. Engine 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Score
01 Stockfish 12.0 x64 NNUE xxxxx 106.5 145.0 165.0 155.0 163.5 162.5 176.5 172.5 175.0 1421.5
02 Komodo Dragon 1.0 x64 93.5 xxxxx 140.5 147.5 148.5 150.0 153.0 160.0 164.5 172.0 1329.5
03 Komodo 14.1 x64 55.0 59.5 xxxxx 107.5 109.5 114.5 114.0 124.0 142.0 141.0 967.0
04 Houdini 6.0 x64 35.0 52.5 92.5 xxxxx 109.0 111.0 120.0 122.0 137.0 139.5 918.5
05 Nemorino 6.00 x64 NNUE 45.0 51.5 90.5 91.0 xxxxx 97.5 109.0 108.0 115.5 128.0 836.0
06 Ethereal 12.75 x64 36.5 50.0 85.5 89.0 102.5 xxxxx 107.5 103.5 128.5 127.0 830.0
07 SlowChess Blitz Classic 37.5 47.0 86.0 80.0 91.0 92.5 xxxxx 99.0 124.0 118.5 775.5
08 Komodo 14.1 x64 MCTS 23.5 40.0 76.0 78.0 92.0 96.5 101.0 xxxxx 119.5 123.0 749.5
09 Igel 2.8.0 x64 NNUE 27.5 35.5 58.0 63.0 84.5 71.5 76.0 80.5 xxxxx 105.5 602.0
10 RubiChess 1.9.0 x64 NNUE 25.0 28.0 59.0 60.5 72.0 73.0 81.5 77.0 94.5 xxxxx 570.5
Wolfgang- Admin
- Anzahl der Beiträge : 1673
Anmeldedatum : 23.10.13
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