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testing Stockfish 10.0 x64

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testing Stockfish 10.0 x64 Empty testing Stockfish 10.0 x64

Beitrag von Gerhard Sonnabend Mo Nov 26, 2018 7:43 pm

Stockfish 10.0 x64

vs Houdini 6.0 x64 [3382] 133.0- 67.0 perf=3501 [W.B.]
vs Komodo 12.1.1 x64 [3351] 130.5- 69.5 perf=3460 [G.S.]
vs Fire 7.1 x64 [3242] 156.0- 44.0 perf=3462 [G.S.]
vs Komodo 12.2.1 x64 (MCTS) [3190] 171.0- 29.0 perf=3498 [W.B.]
vs Ethereal 11.00 x64 [3178] 164.0- 36.0 perf=3441 [G.S.]
vs Deep Shredder 13 x64 [3150] 178.5- 21.5 perf=3518 [W.B.]
vs Ginkgo 2.1 x64 [3149] 175.0- 25.0 perf=3487 [G.S.]
vs Fizbo 2.0 x64 [3139] 163.5- 36.5 perf=3399 [G.S.]
vs Booot 6.3 x64 [3133] 178.5- 21.5 perf=3502 [W.B.]
vs Andscacs 0.94 x64 [3108] 175.0- 25.0 perf=3446 [G.S.]
vs Xiphos 0.4 x64 [3098] 172.5- 27.5 perf=3416 [W.B.]
vs Gull 3.0 x64 [3078] 177.0- 23.0 perf=3432 [G.S.]
vs Laser 1.6 x64 [3047] 181.5- 19.5 perf=3443 [W.B.]
vs Jonny 8.00 x64 [3046] 177.5- 22.5 perf=3405 [G.S.]
vs Fritz 16.5 x64 [3045] 186.0- 14.0 perf=3494 [G.S.]
vs Equinox 3.30 x64 [3043] 186.0- 14.0 perf=3492 [W.B.]
vs Chiron 4.0 x64 [3035] 180.0- 20.0 perf=3417 [G.S.]
vs Critter 1.6 x64 [3031] 184.0- 16.0 perf=3455 [G.S.]
Stockfish 10.0 x64 ELO 3459 out of 3600 games + 55
Stockfish 9.0 x64 ELO 3404 out of 3600 games

perf = 62268 / 18 = 3459 +- ca. x = 3459

Best wishes,
W.B. + G.S.

Zuletzt von Gerhard Sonnabend am Do Dez 13, 2018 8:33 am bearbeitet; insgesamt 1-mal bearbeitet

Gerhard Sonnabend

Anzahl der Beiträge : 510
Anmeldedatum : 22.10.13
Alter : 62
Ort : Stuttgart


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testing Stockfish 10.0 x64 Empty 3+1 download games

Beitrag von Thor2017 Do Dez 13, 2018 2:17 am

hi, I searched the site http://www.cegt.net/downloads.htm and no download link for the games. is there a link from where I can download the 3 + 1 games?


Anzahl der Beiträge : 2
Anmeldedatum : 17.08.18

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testing Stockfish 10.0 x64 Empty Re: testing Stockfish 10.0 x64

Beitrag von Gerhard Sonnabend Do Dez 13, 2018 8:46 am

Gerhard Sonnabend

Anzahl der Beiträge : 510
Anmeldedatum : 22.10.13
Alter : 62
Ort : Stuttgart


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testing Stockfish 10.0 x64 Empty Re: testing Stockfish 10.0 x64

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