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Some short tests ...

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Some short tests ... Empty Some short tests ...

Beitrag von Gerhard Sonnabend Mo Aug 20, 2018 9:28 am

For our 3'+1" pb=on archive list only.

Nemorino 5.00 x64

vs Deep Shredder 13 x64 [3150] 43.0-157.0 perf=2925
vs Fizbo 2.0 x64 [3142] 59.5-140.5 perf=2993
vs Andscacs 0.94 x64 [3117] 53.0-147.0 perf=2940
vs Chiron 4.0 x64 [3040] 61.5-138.5 perf=2899
vs Critter 1.6 x64 [3026] 64.0-136.0 perf=2895
vs Laser 1.5 x64 [2952] 88.5-111.5 perf=2912
vs Protector 1.9.0 x64 [2958] 85.5-114.5 perf=2907
vs Senpai 2.0 x64 [2942] 93.0-107.0 perf=2918
vs Hannibal 1.7 x64 [2975] 83.0-117.0 perf=2915
vs Texel 1.07 x64 [2980] 92.0-108.0 perf=2952
vs Nirvana Chess 2.4 x64 [2997] 90.0-110.0 perf=2962
vs Equinox 3.30 x64 [3039] 69.0-131.0 perf=2928
vs Gull 3.0 x64 [3079] 65.0-135.0 perf=2953

perf= 38099 / 13 = 2930 out of 2600 games.

Best wishes,
G.S. / W.B.

Zuletzt von Gerhard Sonnabend am So Sep 09, 2018 4:01 pm bearbeitet; insgesamt 4-mal bearbeitet

Gerhard Sonnabend

Anzahl der Beiträge : 510
Anmeldedatum : 22.10.13
Alter : 62
Ort : Stuttgart


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Some short tests ... Empty Re: Some short tests ...

Beitrag von Gerhard Sonnabend Mi Sep 05, 2018 9:13 pm

Xiphos is able to use ponder now too - THX @ Milos.
I will execute some matches for our 3'+1" pb=on list therefore.

Xiphos 0.3.18 x64

vs Critter 1.6 x64 [3034] 110.0- 90.0 perf=3069
vs Chiron 4.0 x64 [3038] 113.0- 87.0 perf=3083
vs Equinox 3.30 x64 [3045] 113.0- 87.0 perf=3090
vs Jonny 8.00 x64 [3045] 103.5- 96.5 perf=3057
vs Fritz 16.5 x64 [3050] 95.0-105.0 perf=3033
vs Laser 1.6 x64 [3053] 103.5- 96.5 perf=3065
vs Gull 3.0 x64 [3077] 89.5-110.5 perf=3040
vs Andscacs 0.94 x64 [3112] 97.5-102.5 perf=3103
vs Booot 6.3 x64 [3134] 77.0-123.0 perf=3053
vs Fizbo 2.0 x64 [3138] 86.0-114.0 perf=3089
vs Deep Shredder 13 x64 [3150] 80.5-119.5 perf=3081
vs Ginkgo 2.1 x64 [3150] 74.0-126.0 perf=3058
vs Ethereal 11.00 x64 [3179] 71.5-128.5 perf=3077
vs Fire 7.1 x64 [3243] 47.0-153.0 perf=3038
vs Komodo 12.1.1 x64 [3350] 33.0-167.0 perf=3068
vs Houdini 6.0 x64 [3383] 25.5-174.5 perf=3049
vs Stockfish 9.0 x64 [3402] 23.5-176.5 perf=3052

perf=52105 / 17 = 3065

Best wishes,

Gerhard Sonnabend

Anzahl der Beiträge : 510
Anmeldedatum : 22.10.13
Alter : 62
Ort : Stuttgart


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